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Genetic Testing

Genetic testing is a medical test that checks and identifies any uncommon changes, or abnormality in chromosomes, genes, or proteins. This test is performed on fertilized eggs (embryos), and is usually voluntary or recommended if genetic condition is suspected.

The Following Tests are offered for the Patients:

Gender Screening

Gender Screening is a test determining the gender of the unborn baby. We also provide Gender Selection tests, where embryos are screened to select the sex of the baby, and genetically test for major chromosomes including Downs’ and Edwards’ syndromes.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)

PGT-A is a genetic test done on embryos produced by the sperm’s injection fertilization procedure (ICSI). PGT-A will identify the embryos’ genetic status to help the care team efficiently choose the best embryo for transfer that improves the chances of conceiving a baby.

What are the benefits of PGT-A?

  • Higher chances of getting pregnant
  • Less risk of miscarriage
  • Better confidence in the successful transfer of a single embryo to avoid the health risks associated with twin or triplet pregnancies
  • Decreased number of IVF cycles to achieve a pregnancy, and likely to shorten the cycle process’ duration

Preimplantation Genetic Screening for Monogenic/Single Gene (PGT-M)

PGT-M is earlier called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). It is a revolutionary reproductive technology used together with ICSI treatment, to test if there is a specific or single genetic disorder in the young embryo(s). This genetic test is designed to avoid the risk of having a child inherit a genetic disorder or unhealthy condition.

PGT-M is suited for people who are at great risk of passing on a certain genetic disorder, such as sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia etc.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR)

A genetic test designed to detect inherited rearrangements and increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. PGT-SR is recommended for people who have a child or pregnancy with a chromosome rearrangement, that are at risk of creating embryos with an incorrect number of chromosomes or structure, or if you or your partner are a carrier of an:

  • Inversion
  • Reciprocal translocation
  • Robertsonian translocation

It is suitable for couples with recurrent pregnancy loss, a history of recurrent failed IVF/implantation, or for women who are 35 years and older.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NACE)

NACE is a genetic screening test that analyses cell-free DNA circulating in the maternal bloodstream of pregnant women. Chromosome number alteration, commonly known as aneuploidy, and microdeletions are identified using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). This test detects aneuploidies for all 24 chromosomes. The NACE 24 EXTENDED test incorporates the detection of all 24 chromosomes and identifies 5 microdeletions associated with major genetic syndromes.

The genetic abnormalities that may be detected during the testing include:

  • 21 – Down Syndrome
  • 18 – Edwards Syndrome
  • 13 – Patau Syndrome
  • The most common anomalies in the sexual chromosomes (X and Y), except for twin gestations

Carrier Genetic Test (CGT)

The Carrier Genetic Test (CGT) is an important genetic test when planning a family. It determines the possible risk of having a child with a genetic disease. The result of this test tells us whether the parents carry one or more recessive genetic mutations.

Carriers are usually healthy but when two parents carry a mutation in the same gene, they might have an affected child.

Consult Your Infertility Doctor to Discuss the Appropriate Genetic Testing Option that Suits You.

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